From Phil Baber & Pam Buckle - Juvenile
Chough tamely feeding close to road. Whitethroat, several - including a
female who could not possibly stuff more caterpillars into her beak.
(Or could she?) A few Skylark around carpark. Plenty Stonechat. 1 Raven.
80+ Linnet mobile around fields. 10+ Pied Wags. 5-7 Wheatear around the
buildings.Good numbers of Swallow and House Martin. (Swallows nesting
in the old barn and plenty House Martin nests evident.) A few Gannet
offshore. 1 Painted Lady.
Prize was a souvenir Chough secondary feather retrieved from a cliff edge...
Hasguard Cross on B4327 later: Male Yellowhammer perched on roadside wire.
Earlier at Little Wick Bay near South Hook Point: family of 4 very vocal Ravens.