Thursday, 12 August 2021

Castlemartin Corse

Adult male marsh harrier still present - the absence of rusty brown and of a dark trailing edge on the underwing  suggest he is probably 4CY or older (cf Saturday's shots with the last adult male seen here, a probable 3CY male photographed by John Stephens in 2016, below). Also below, a distant record shot taken today. He was hunting along the main channel on the northern edge of the Corse, well inland from the hide. 

3CY male, 2016 (photo John Stephens)

Distant shot (today)

Other birds - sparrowhawk, two swifts, several swallows and sand martins, stonechats, skylarks, meadow pipits, reed buntings, one grey heron. The harrier was buzzed intermittently by crows.