Friday, 27 August 2021

Friday morning

From Ian Smith:

A very quiet morning compared to recent days.

The Gann 09:10-10:45
Little Egret 6
Little Grebe 5 adults
Greenshank 8
Redshank c20
Knot 1 Juv
Dunlin 1
Turnstone 5 on beach
Osprey last seen over Mullock Bridge marsh at 09:58 after being disturbed from pines by lady with three large dogs walking track below.

Dale Airfield 10:55-13:05
Chough; wheeling & feeding flock of 15 near entrance plus 2 making number of straight flights  across area.
Starling 7
Stoney Field:-
Wheatear 6
Yellow Wag 1
Pied Wag c10
White Wag c20
Ringed Plover (&GP?) singles heard but invisible despite much time thoroughly scanning area from whence calls came.
Odonata by Pond:- L.sponsa; A.mixta; S.striolatum