A recce at the Corse in advance of the weekend's WEBS - I parked at Castlemartin Church for a look at the upper Corse. As I walked west along the farm track a 1CY female goshawk flew out of the trees to my left and past me at point blank range, heading inland. As I approached the Monterey pine clump from the east, I heard jays to my left, and they started to fly out. They appeared to be flying out of the extensive stand of willow on the site of the former decoy ponds as well as the pines themselves, right in front of me. With all this talk of jay flocks I thought I'd better count them....10, 15, 30, 50 - they kept coming, a steady stream of jays flying out and across the valley. I got to 89, a single straggler rounded it up to 90. They flew north across the valley towards Valero, disappearing over the ridge. I snatched a record shot of a few but it was pointless, it was just a river of jays. There were still 2 at Castlemartin Church when I got back to the car.