Saturday 27 November 2021

Not very nice at Broad Haven

Arived at Broad Haven in hopes of Surf Scoter, Purple Sand and Eider, and walked north along the coastal path. A few groups of Scoter but remembered I had forgoten to bring my Scope Stand, so very wobly and could not pick anything out. Kept walking to a spot where I could sit down to a less wobly viewing, a Diver that went under as soon as I looked at it, and some more scoter flocks that I just couldent get on to with the scope. Went a bit further to Black Point and another Diver sp. and more scoters that I couldent get on to. A huge gust blew my back pack which I had left to the side of me high in to the air throwing my Collins violently on to some bushes (which I thankfuly later retrived), the bag lickley never to be seen again. On the walk back 7 Goldfinch, Starling flock in field, and a lone Oystercatcher. So all in all, I regret going to Braod Haven, having failed to see anything good at all, but thats birding.