Thursday 16 December 2021

The Gann and Broadhaven

 I arrived at The Gann mid afternoon as the tide pushed up the beach. A dark-eyed, Herring-type gull lifted off from the small flock of large gulls still at the river mouth. Not enough of a view to confirm whether it was the Caspian though. A couple of Bar-tailed Godwit sat amongst the Oystercatchers at the river mouth. Many Little Grebe on the pools and also the rather gruesome sight of a Heron trying for all its worth to swallow one. The back end, legs and feet of the poor bird were all that were visible. I estimate the Heron had been trying for about 30 minutes to make progress and, in the 10 minutes that I watched it, it was making none at all. On my return 10 minutes later the Heron was visible but without the grebe. Either it succeeded or gave up.

At Broadhaven just before dark a few scattered flocks of Common Scoter and a Red-throated Diver. No sign of the Surf Scoter but a 1W male Common Scoter was present as it was a couple of weeks ago - notable for the fact that it seems to be the only one amongst 100+ birds. 2 Common Eider were close inshore and a further 4 a good kilometre out. 2 Purple Sandpiper were again on Emmet Rock.