Friday 24 December 2021

The Teifi - Waterfowl and Waders

A pair of Gadwall this morning swimming along the river through the Teifi Marshes were the first since September. Reading Bob's post below re the Fishguard Pochard - we had a drake Pochard on the Teifi on Monday 20th - this week, during it's brief spell here it never swam into Pembs waters ! 1 drake Goldeneye is present and the Goosander count varies from 0 to 8. Geese numbers  around the estuary seem stable Barnacle Geese 121-133, Greylag Geese 2, Canada Geese c450-600. Like the Geese the location of the large Waders depends on the tide etc.. Low tide counts of  Golden Plover 350-450, Lapwing 400-600, and Curlew a more stable and  modest 35 -50.  Dunlin c50, Ringed Plover c15, 1 Greenshank and c35 Redshank present too.