Tuesday 28 December 2021

Yesterday in Llangwm Pill

Good morning folks...

With the tide half out there was much bird activity in Llangwm Pill yesterday afternoon...31 shelduck, 24 mallard, 40+teal, 4 mute swans (two adults, 2 youngsters), 3 curlew, 25+ redshank, 3 greenshank, 1 common sandpiper, approx 60 lapwing,1 cormorant , 30 noisy black headed gulls and 3 herring gulls. Our hybrid duck (ruddy shelduck/common shelduck cross?) which has been resident here since 15th November was also present. It seems to have been adopted by the growing flock of shelduck and every day is seen feeding happily among them. The highlight was the arrival of a female peregrine which circled the PIll for two minutes putting up most of the lapwing and a large flock of starlings which had been scavenging in the seaweed on the northern side. It was eventually seen off by a herring gull and it flew off in a northerly direction. By contrast the tideline from Ferry Bay to Ferry Point, normally crowded with lapwing, dunlin and gulls was devoid of birds apart from 1 curlew and a handful of redshanks. I saw 3 snipe diving into the spartina at Ferry Bay indicating that there were probably a lot more already taking cover there. On occasions over the last week there have been, at times, around 250 lapwings and 200 dunlins along this tideline.

Graham Brace