Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Angle to Angle Point Revisited 17.01.22

A return to Angle yesterday afternoon on a flowing WolfMoon high tide produced much better views of the 2 Great Northern Divers.

They were seen best either side of Angle Point beach. And through the scope looked fabulous in the strong sunlight. (When they weren't constantly diving!)

(Poor record shot of one of the GNDs with its foot hanging out to dry.)

We only saw 7 pale-bellied Brents. The 2 Common Scoter were absent. And the list of birds were similar to recent reports. The wader roost on The Ridge was as good as the previous day. 31+ Turnstone here came along the beach, almost right up to us, as we quietly sat. And more Snipe pretended to be seaweed.

2 males and a female Bullfinch fed on dock seeds in the horse paddock beyond the old pub.

A Greenshank was vocal. 4 Great Crested Grebes were in the bay. Lots of Pintail arrayed along the southern shore, but distant, and 3 Little Egret were on the mud in the middle at one point. A bonus was a Sanderling that almost landed near our feet while we were watching a Loon dispatching a crab.

A huge Starling flock made its way, from the West, to Castlemartin Corse near dark. And we were again wowed by the impressive Rook and Jackdaw roost in the trees at the east end of Angle. They were less wowed by the 2 Buzzards that flew low over them when they'd got settled for the night.

It's all a bit addictive!

Pam Buckle & Phil Baber