morning WeBS counts on the Carew/Cresswell Rivers produced 260 Shelducks (quite
a high count for this part of the Cleddau estuary). Wigeon numbers were low,
less than 100, but Teal numbers were better (460+). Other duck species included
6 Pintails and 5 Shovelers.
included 53 Oystercatchers roosting at a favoured Lawrenny location. Other
waders included c.150 Lapwings, 120+ Dunlin, c.40 Redshanks, 9 Greenshanks, 2
Black-tailed Godwits and about 30 Curlews. These species were more spread-out around
the river system.
In the upper Daugleddau section, there were another 8 Greenshanks, c.100 Lapwings, 220+ Dunlin, 160+ Teal and 90+ Wigeon. A couple of hundred Canada Geese arrived from the Eastern Cleddau, before moving over to feed in the fields above Sprinkle Pill. Five Great Crested Grebes, disturbed by some boating activity, flew up and down channel for a while, but eventually settled on the water between Brickyard and Sprinkle Pill. Eleven Little Egrets were feeding in a regular winter spot, along-side cattle in some damp pasture between Landshipping Quay and Sam’s Wood. Unfortunately, there were no Cattle Egrets with them.