Friday, 21 January 2022

Cosheston Pill

WEBS at Cosheston Pill, just as the tide was starting to fall. So many birds can be concealed in the three saltmarsh embayments on the south side that walking the shore from the top has proved to be the most productive option, although it inevitably causes disturbance - preceded if time allows with a look on the dot of high tide from the lower end. Good duck numbers - wigeon 210, teal 230, mallard 30, shelduck 31 - and plenty of greenshank 16, snipe 31, redshank 52, lapwing 150, dunlin 40. Notable absentees were black-tailed godwit (just one) and mute swan - also one, normally 20-30. Highlight was a first-winter (2CY) female peregrine. 
Teal, wigeon, lapwing, redshank, black-headed gulls
The only black-tailed godwit with a redshank
Mostly lapwing