Thursday, 20 January 2022

Haverfordwest Garden Firecrest and More

A Firecrest visited the patio in my garden on the edge of Haverfordwest as I was making my 11am coffee this morning. This was the fourth one in the last six years, the previous one being on 22 Jan 2020 and is getting a bit predictable.

Less predictable was a gathering of Red Kites at dusk last night. Four were right over the house at 4pm and drifted westwards and joining more, giving a total of at least 16 circling pre-roost. Last year I had a peak count of eight in early February in the same area.

On Monday I popped down to Monk Haven/St Ishmaels SWT. Unsurprisingly there was a Firecrest on the way to the treatment works, a reliable place to find them. Two Chiffchaffs were feeding on the aeration bed, one taking a ride on the rotating sprinkler arm. Both had some greenish tints. Later, over Mullock marsh, about 1,000 Golden Plover and 300 Lapwing put on a bit of a murmuration catching the low-angle sunlight before heading west towards Marloes, presumably to roost.