Thursday, 20 January 2022

Our first visit to Milton Carding Mill trail

After a brief chat with Richard at Carew Castle car-park, we walked the footpath to Milton and then along the Milton Carding Mill trail in the late afternoon, noting only a Little Egret feeding in a slurry-drenched field on route.  

A rather pale/washed out looking Chiffchaff was spotted fairly quickly, perhaps the bird photographed earlier by Caroline Pickett? A contact-call that we heard briefly was that of typical Phylloscopus collybita. It disappeared into the undergrowth before a photo could be obtained. 

We then met Mike Davey and another observer, just as a mixed flock of mainly Long-tailed Tits and one/two Goldcrests we had seen earlier along the track caught up with us. We had good, but frustratingly brief, views of a fast-moving Firecrest that was actively feeding and moving through the trees near the stream - decent photos were not forthcoming, although a reasonably sharp one was obtained of its rear end!