Sunday 2 January 2022

Rosebush (YLG) and Llys-y-fran (2 Icelands)

Rosebush reservoir: An adult Yellow-legged gull among 150 bathing LBB, was a first for me here, before they all headed westward. 8 Goldeneye (3m, 5f), 4m Tufted duck, 2 Little grebe, single GC grebe. 2 Coot and a Moorhen.

 Llys-y-fran: c300 BH gulls were already on the water when I arrived at 3pm and were joined by a juv Iceland gull at 3:15pm before soon departing. This was the pattern for the next few hours with waves of gulls dropping in to bathe before flying back to nearby fields, (the smell of slurry was in the air so farming activity would likely have brought worms out of the soil). The Iceland came back to roost at 4:15pm with a second juvenile appearing in a final scan at 4:45pm. Otherwise 3 adult Yellow-legged gulls, 20+ Common gulls included 7-8 pristine adults, 4 Mediterranean gulls (3adult and a 1w), 4 GBB (3 1w and a 3w). Counts: 1,200 BH gulls at 4pm increasing to 2,000 at 4:20pm with a total gull count of 6,500 at 4:40pm (with many large gulls still arriving). 2-3 GC grebe and 20 Mallard. A very blustery SW had the large gulls tight to the far bank with the smaller gulls closer to the east bank, that's my excuse for the photos anyway.