Wednesday 9 February 2022

Marloes Peninsular and Martin's Haven

 A bit of a wader theme in the wonderful calm morning:

- Multiple flocks of Golden Plover were the highlight: mainly parties of 40-60, sometimes three groups in the air at once, generally circling quite high over the fields. And a much larger flock to the East over the Haven: it was a very large black smudge, far different in density or size to the birds around me.

- Fewer Lapwings evident: just a single flock of c.30. But I didn't have the opportunity to look at the West Hook fields, where I think most of the birds are feeding at present.

- the Trehill Farm coastal fields were lifting with Snipe: I counted 20+, including two Jack Snipe.

Just after lunch, a ringtail Hen Harrier floated over the garden and onto the Deer Park.