Rosebush: 5 Goldeneye (2m, 3f), 2m Tufted duck, 2 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 2 GC grebe and single Little grebe. 12 Cormorants was more than the usual 3-4.
Llys-y-fran: For a change the roost formed considerably closer than it had done recently, though gulls wouldn't linger for long, just dropping in for a bit of a bathe, before drifting back to the fields with the main arrival of larger gulls not until 5:30pm. 2,500 BH gulls gathering earlier was a good number. One of the regular juv Iceland gulls appeared at 3pm, stayed 10-15 minutes, returning next at 4:45pm when it promptly settled down to roost. 3 Yellow-legged gulls (2 adults and a 2cy), 8 Mediterranean gulls (3 adult, 3 2cy, 2 3cy), a lot more Common gulls this evening, A single GBB gull was worrying the smaller gulls by hovering a metre or so above them looking for a weaker bird. Couple of interesting larger gulls, a dark mantled intermedius LBB and what looked like a LBB/ Herring hybrid. As Paul mentions Goldeneye, and GC grebe, were courting, 7-8 Goldeneye (4-5m, 3f) and 7 GC grebe. 2 red-headed goosander, 3 Heron, Moorhen and the Little egret. 22 Cormorant inc a sinensis bird. With Paul G and George M (who had the Ring-bill hybrid and Cattle egret on Sunday).