Monday 28 March 2022

Broad Haven to Druidston

From Vicky Pearson: Early mornings (and some afternoons) between Broad Haven and Druidston (and back!); Sunday 20th to Sunday 27th March 

A good mix of singing small birds - wren, linnet, stonechat (lovely to hear him singing not just chat-chat-chatting), dunnock, meadow pippit, blackbird, skylark, and a chiffchaff 3 days running at the bridge at Druidston Haven.

A pair of chough seen on the lower slope around Black Point on 3 days.  Gannet - 10ish - diving close in every day.  The usual group of scoter, numbering about 30, seen everyday until Friday afternoon when there were just 2 and then none today.

Peregrine at Haroldston Chins - at least one bird seen most days, with both adults seen today (4pm).  One on the stack with feathers near by; the other (the female I think - she looked big) on the old nest site feeding on a recent kill.  Good to see them both.