Friday 11 March 2022

Elegug Stacks this morning

A brief visit to the Elegug Stacks produced a fine immature male merlin hunting meadow pipits and skylarks in grassland near the Stack Rocks road. 

Very large numbers of guillemots were on the stacks, virtually all available spaces were taken up. There seemed to be more birds here today than we usually see in June when the breeding colony is at its peak. It was much too early in the season though to attempt a count, but there must have been at least 10,000  guillemots present, including large numbers on the sea or else whirling around in the blustery south-westerly wind. 

Skylarks were displaying near the car park, as were rock pipits on the coast near the Green Bridge. It was also nice to see two male wheatears near the Cauldron.