Friday 25 March 2022

Thursday sightings

From Ian Smith:

Thursday 24th March 2022

Quick visits to Dale (×2), Deer Park, Airfield and The Gann
Seen from Deer Park were 9 Scoter flying south to land off Skomer where thousands of Auks were spread across it's northern waters. A single Wheatear on seaward cliffs with Chiffy and Water Rail by gate access; the latter seen by another Oxon birder.
The Airfield held a Single Wheatear, 4 Pied's and flock of c250 Linnet on Stoney Field; whilst Pond revealed 2 each of Moorhen and Snipe plus single male Reed Bunting.
Informed of my missing Glossy Ibis, by a matter of minutes on Wednesday, because it flies up into trees when disturbed.  Still managed to miss it on another two attempts today!  A Brambling in the car park was some very unexpected compensation.
8 Barwits held steady yet again at The Gann, but increases with a Grey Plover, 4 Greenshank, 4 pairs of Teal and an extra Shelduck (7).  Some, small, changes at last!