Tuesday 26 April 2022

Breeding bird survey Abermawr-Morfa Farm/Head.

Today we started our first of  two  BTO/JNCC breeding bird surveys on the almost the same day 25th-26th  for the second year. 

A pair of Canada Geese were again nesting on Morfa Head  which seems pretty incongruous but presumably works for them. The goose was sitting tight but the gander floating on the sea below looked out of place!  

We clocked all the usual suspects although more Stonechats than last year. The bonus was a big heavy looking buzzard coming in off the sea, to be mobbed by corvids as it flew in over the coast, a Honey Buzzard! sadly no pic but it put a big smile on my face!

Given the SE strong breeze we would have expected more Wheatears other than a single female. Hirundines were less this year, with only sporadic Swallows compared to all three species streaming in last year and  only a couple of Whitethroats . None the less a privelidge to be out on the coast with a purpose on such a lovely spring day!