Sunday 10 April 2022

Marloes Mere

Marloes Mere: 8pr and 8m Shoveler, 8pr and 2m Teal, 2pr Gadwall, 1pr Wigeon. Mallard on a very conspicuous/vulnerable nest. A Herring gull bathing too close to the nesting Coot received more of dunking than expected when the male Coot grabbed it by the neck and fully submerged it. 6 Chiffchaff, 4 Willlow warbler and a Blackcap around the mere, with more Willow warblers and Chiffs on the Deer Park. Some ploughing activity by the cafe had drawn in 40 Pied wagtails and a single White wagtail. 2 Swallows over Trehills fields. Single Snipe above Martins Haven. Single Chough by the Earthworks and 4 at Renney Slip. A single sharp pee-u coming from the ploughed field behind the Britton hide sounded good for a Little Ringed plover but it didn't repeat.