Monday 25 April 2022

Misc bits and pieces

Richard Evans (from Carms) heard 2 singing Wood Warblers in woodland near the eastern arm of Bosherston Lake (passage birds as they do not breed there) plus a Cuckoo in the general area on Saturday 23rd April. Richard mentioned this to us at an event at Stackpole on Saturday but we have only just found time to get on to the blog after a busy couple of days.  

Yesterday, in Castlemartin Range West, there must have been at least 30+ Wheatears in a c.1 km section of coast between Linney Head and Berryslade, many of these will have been migrants passing through.

Today, Annie and I had a nice walk up to Cemaes Head from Pwllygranant to check out choughs etc. We noted our first Spotted Flycatcher of the spring, just inland from the coast near Graig. Other migrants included a small trickle of hirundines along the coast and a few migrant Wheatears. 

A male Kestrel was mobbing (and being mobbed by) ravens etc near Traeth y Rhedyn. At least 3 pairs of Choughs were noted in expected places plus a small flock of 8 (possibly 10) non-breeders.