Monday 2 May 2022

Castlemartin Corse

Approaching from the Castlemartin Church end, 08.30 - 5 big, bright, upstanding wheatears, good for Greenland-type, were feeding in the rushy pasture. By the time I walked back two hours later they'd moved on, possibly because of a big movement of cattle through the field. The reedbed, quiet until recently, is suddenly heaving with reed warblers. Alan and Dennis whom I met at the hide confirmed it was like that all the way down towards Freshwater West - scores of them. Between us we heard "several" grasshopper warblers, I must have heard four. Cetti's - I heard at least 6, starting at the upper end. Altogether an 8-warbler day, with sedge, blackcap, whitethroat, chiffchaff and willow.