Sunday 1 May 2022

Marloes Peninsula

Hirundines skimming low on the walk this evening majority Swallows and included the first Swift with a flush of Sand martins eastwards over the Deer Park around 6pm. Sedge warbler up to 18, 15 Whitethroat, single Willow warbler on the Deer Park. A scattering of a dozen Wheatear with 3 pairs on the Deer Park. Pile of Lapwing feathers at West Hook! 2 pairs and flock of 6 Chough. Peregrine drfiting through. A GBB gull pecking at a drifting pale disc-shaped object about 1m wide off the Deer Park, which may have been a turtle remains (I thought I could see flippers through the scope). Duckwise: 11m Shoveler (0 females), 1pr, 3m Teal, pr Shelduck and Coot on a very exposed nest out from Britton hide, Swans still sitting tight.