Thursday, 22 September 2022

Carew Cresswell and Daugleddau estuary - bits and pieces this week

Having been away recently, we have been catching up a bit this week with birds etc in our local area. On Monday 19th a hybrid shelduck x ? species (presumed to be the bird noted at Llangwm last year) was feeding with a proper shelduck (its mate?) on the mud below Carew Mill on the ebbing tide. 

Presumably the Llangwm hybrid?

There seemed to be only small numbers of other duck species in the general area but it was good to see a reasonable number of waders including 94 Curlews roosting near New shipping Point and lower down the estuary a mixed wader flock of 50+ Redshanks, several Dunlin and 3 Curlew Sandpipers and 47 Oystercatchers feeding near the Lawrenny road.

Yesterday, along the upper Daugleddau between Landshipping and Sprinkle Pill, we noted 80+ Greylags flying down from the Eastern Cleddau to rest with a small number of Canada Geese on the Sprinkle Pill side. Greylags have been quite noisy in recent weeks - usually flying over from the east to roost on the Daugleddau in the evening. Teal numbers at Landshipping Quay were at least 112+ alongside 50+ Redshanks and 3 Greenshanks and a couple of Black-tailed Godwits.