Having been away recently, we have been catching up a bit this week with birds etc in our local area. On Monday 19th a hybrid shelduck x ? species (presumed to be the bird noted at Llangwm last year) was feeding with a proper shelduck (its mate?) on the mud below Carew Mill on the ebbing tide.
Presumably the Llangwm hybrid? |
There seemed to be only small numbers of other duck species in the general area but it was good to see a reasonable number of waders including 94 Curlews roosting near New shipping Point and lower down the estuary a mixed wader flock of 50+ Redshanks, several Dunlin and 3 Curlew Sandpipers and 47 Oystercatchers feeding near the Lawrenny road.
Yesterday, along the upper Daugleddau between Landshipping and Sprinkle Pill, we noted 80+ Greylags flying down from the Eastern Cleddau to rest with a small number of Canada Geese on the Sprinkle Pill side. Greylags have been quite noisy in recent weeks - usually flying over from the east to roost on the Daugleddau in the evening. Teal numbers at Landshipping Quay were at least 112+ alongside 50+ Redshanks and 3 Greenshanks and a couple of Black-tailed Godwits.