Sunday 23 October 2022

Crazy Crow

This strange Carrion Crow behaviour was observed at Marloes Mere on 12 Oct.

The Kestrel perched quietly on the telegraph wire was joined by a Carrion Crow which started to display the weirdest behaviour by hanging upside down beside the Kestrel. First on one side , then the other. Jumping over the Kestrel in the process! This continued for at least 3 minutes before the Kestrel flew off, clearly unimpressed. Surely the Crow is having a laff 😊

Apologies for the poor quality image, it was taken at distance from the hide.

Regards,  Richard Harris

Peter Smithies from Trehill farm wonders "if this is the same crow that has been around our yard since July. It seems very independent and confident, going into our grain shed, pecking on a window in one of the sheds, perching on sheds and calling. Seems to have feathers missing from one wing."