Saturday 8 October 2022

Dale and Marloes peninsula

A probable American Golden Plover today, first heard (and seen briefly) heading east over Marloes Mere late morning, and then again south over Dale Airfield early afternoon towards St Ann's Head. Had a good look around the airfield and checked all the fields from the road south to St Ann's Head but no sign, just 4 European Golden Plover in a field on the western side of St Ann's.

An impressive number of Skylark across the peninsula this morning especially, particularly over Martin's Haven, all heading west out towards Skomer and presumably on to Ireland. We regularly saw flocks of 20-50 and you could see and hear birds more or less constantly.

Also an impressive number of hirundines, especially at Marloes Mere, with over 400 Swallow, 100 House Martin and 10 Sand Martin regularly perching on the wires at Trehill Farm next to the Oriole Hide. Heading in the opposite direction to the Skylark!

Other highlights were a Merlin and a Wheatear on Dale Airfield. Not a single Chiffchaff seen, but a few Goldcrest and a single Blackcap at Crabhall. (Lisa and Dave).