Saturday 15 October 2022

Growing numbers of starlings roosting at Slebech and a Clifden nonpareil at Martletwy

The starling roost at Slebech is starting to build, possibly in the reedbed at the moment. Probably a few thousand in a large column flew over the A40 near dusk, heading into the valley last evening. 

Overnight we had a weekly moth-trapping session, something we have been doing most weeks here for the last 28 years.  We were pleased to record a Clifden nonpareil, a large scarce immigrant. Until John Hayes caught one at St Twynnells a few weeks ago, there had never been a confirmed record of this impressive moth in Pembrokeshire - ours might be the second according to Robin Taylor, County Moth Recorder. 

It was quite a worn specimen and surprisingly well camouflaged on our old shed