Saturday 15 October 2022

Out and about

Mullock marsh: Marsh harrier quartering the marsh before heading over the road towards St Brides this afternoon, 15 minutes later it was coming back being mobbed by jackdaws. A Red Kite was also in the vicinity. Kestrel earlier over the reedbed by Crabhall and a fine female Peregrine hunting over the Sandpit fields, a really fine looking bird. A Water rail broke from cover - first time I've seen one in flight and not very often you see them at all, makes you appreciate what stunning and colourful birds they are. A mixed flock of tits at the top of the marsh sounded like it had a Firecrest with it. Good sized flocks of Linnet. A couple of adult ringed GBB sheltering above the footbridge at the Gann (one adult was possibly W:064 but everything was shaking, met Steve Jones who may have photographed the other bird). A Wheatear was in the middle of the road by Talbenny crossroads. 

Friday: St Brides first thing. Fizzying with life in the calm conditions. Skylarks, wagtails (grey and pied), pipits, chaffinch, 20 Siskins and 6 Redwings going over. Goldcrests and tits busy in the scrub. 3 Firecrest, one in the willow and blackthorn by the limekiln, with 2 more by the pink scouts cottage. 5 Chiffchaff inc a singing bird after them being absent in recent visits. 

 A Mute swan flew over. And a juv Peregrine. 100 Starling by the paddocks. Swallows heading south low over the grassland towards the castle. Mullock Bridge: 2 Chiffchaffs here in a flock of Long-tailed tits, 100 Starling in with the cattle, Swallows over the marsh. Airfield: track up packed with Goldcrest, Chaffinch and tits. Airfield itself a bit quiet, 30 Skylark in the recently seeded field by the main entrance gave me something to check through. Otherwise more pipits and swallows passing. Female Merlin sat in the beet field presumably on prey. 
Llys-y-fran: A couple of very wet hours with only a 100 LBB gulls and 2 adult Yellow legs before I'd had enough, 3 Little grebe, 100's of Linnet feeding on the weedy margins. Levels still very, very low.