Sunday 9 October 2022

WeBS at Carew/Cresswell and Daugleddau this morning; Frainslake/Bluckspool this evening

WeBs species counts on the Carew/Cresswell this morning were nothing exceptional, although wigeon (c.450-500) were much more obvious than teal (c.200). However, estimating teal numbers can be difficult here as they can be hidden in the dense Spartina (cordgrass) beds. Wader numbers were fairly modest: about 75 curlew, 60+ redshank, less than 100 dunlin, 4 greenshank, 3 grey plover, 2 bar-tailed and one black-tailed godwit. 42 oystercatchers roosting at Lawrenny Quay was typical for that location at this time of year. 

A colour-ringed 1CY Herring Gull at Carew Millpond (orange inscribed G52:M) was from the Calf of Man, where it had been ringed on 4th July. This being its first  reported re-sighting since being ringed. We had only been over there a few weeks ago, perhaps it followed us back! Will there be any other ringed gulls  around in our region from the Calf/Isle of Man?

Along the Daugleddau Annie was fortunate to see an osprey (one of the two seen recently?). It was flying just to the south of Llangwm, but there were few waterfowl of note along this section. Things were a bit better up at Landshipping, where c.200 teal were in Millars Park lagoon, and c.45 redshank and 4 greenshank were near the Quay.

Late this afternoon/early evening, at Frainslake and Bluckspool beaches, there were good numbers of GBB gulls (150+), 90+ oystercatchers, 50+ ringed plovers, 7 grey plovers, a few dunlin and a bar-tailed godwit. A few more longish-dead gannet corpses were grim reminders of the plight they have faced this year.  

A couple of kestrels were hunting over the dunes and an immature male merlin was chasing a small passerine near Gupton/Furzenips range access. A kingfisher was present at Frainslake millpond, where one was also present at the end of Sept.