Wednesday 9 November 2022

Caspian gull, Llys-y-fran

A stonking adult Caspian gull, picked out by Paul G around 4:30pm this evening. A classic looking bird, peppercorn eye, small pear shaped head (looking out of proportion with the long body). Long parallel sided bill, washed out yellow with weak red gonys spot. Mid-grey upperparts. Substantial white tertial crescent, long primaries with lots of white on p10 and p9. We watched it for a good 10-15 minutes. As it preened it rolled to scratch its head and showed a washed out greyish-yellow leg. We've had a few probables here over recent years so nice to get such good views at last. 

Also 6 Yellow-legged gulls (3 adults, 2 1cy and a 3cy). 5 Meds (3 1cy, 1 3cy, 1adult). At least 10 Common gull,  but probably a lot more as we concentrated on the Caspian whilst gulls were arriving in numbers and light was fast going. 3500 LBB at 4:20pm had grown to around 5,000 by 4:45pm. 1000+ BH gulls. 3 Teal the only duck.