Sunday 6 November 2022

Out and about

St Brides: Red kite checking the beach, Grey heron taking shelter from one of the  squally showers, 100+ Redwing, female Blackcap behind the toilet block and Black redstart on the church. 

The Gann: Tide well in so most of the waders crammed around the pool edges and up on the marsh. 500+ Starling swirling around on the marsh and 15 Snipe. Just 5 Little egret usually double that.

Dale airfield (Saturday): 120+ Lapwing and a single Golden plover in the field with hay bales. 25 Snipe. 200 Starling. 100 Linnet in the weed field flushed by buzzards. Single chiffchaff on the track up.

Llys-y-fran (Friday): 100s of gulls on the nearside bank when I arrived before flushing onto the reservoir, many had returned at dusk. Light was poor so hard to see if any were ringed but definitely worth trying while levels are still low. 1500 LBB and 300 BH gulls at 4:15pm had increased to 6000 LBB and 1200 BH gulls by 4:45pm with another arrival as the light had all but gone. At least 5 Yellow-legged gulls (4 adult, 1 3cy), 3 Med gulls (2 adult, 1 1w), 10 Common gull, 2 1w GBB and a brief view before taking flight of a white headed dark eyed 1w large gull (possible Caspian). Peregrine was on the prowl so gulls were flushing from time to time.