Friday 30 December 2022

The Gann

The Ringtail hen harrier was covering the fields by Crabhall corner, had a bit of a spat with a buzzard as it drifted towards Philbeach, it was back over the same area 30minutes later, there were lots of Redwing around the field edges which may be attracting it. Two Jack snipe on the marsh, one startlingly close to the underside of my size 10 wellies. The Eider the only bird on a choppy sea, most of the large gulls were over towards Dale. A Chough calling somewhere out of sight. The Knot and a couple of Dunlin sheltering on the back of the pools. Over at a wind swept Marloes 4 Tufted duck and 3 Little grebe in the North irrigation pool. Good to see Huw L out and about.