Tuesday 13 December 2022

The Teifi

Some counts from a couple of weather affected visits over the past 48 hours. No increase in wildfowl, but some variety.  Shoveler aren't regular here, yesterday a drake and 2 female with c130 Wigeon in the main estuary. A (dark-bellied) Brent Goose with 110 Canada Geese today. Yesterday at the river mouth 400 Golden Plover with 400 Canada and 51 Barnacle Geese. Waders include 50 Redshank, 130 Dunlin, c10 Ringed Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit with the the estuarine Curlew, 1 Black-tailed Godwit with the up river Curlew on the reserve. Strange only the odd Lapwing. I Common Sandpiper at St. Dogmael's Quay today. c100 Fieldfare still feeding on Hawthorn and Sloe berries through the reserve - an unusual sight on the reserve in most years.