Thursday 5 January 2023

The Teifi

At least 2 Firecrests on the reserve and good to hear Cetti's singing - they seem to suffer here when have very cold spells. On the river from the view point, 5 Goosander (2m) and a male Goldeneye, though sometimes a pair. The wintering Common Sandpiper as usual below St. Dogmael's car park on the river. The Quay at St Dogmael's is the best viewing for the larger waders, 1200-1400 Lapwing but few Golden Plover, up to 3 Grey Plover, 1 Greenshank, 85 Redshank, 60 Curlew with 40 Shelduck. The Webley is best for the small waders, a steady 140-160 Dunlin, c30 Ringed Plover. 

Nothing in the river mouth though Gull numbers are building up in the estuary, 1600 Herring Gulls and 600 Common Gulls of interest. Geese have been missing, today small flocks were passing back presumably from further up the flooded Teifi valley. By dusk 54 Barnacle and 300 Canada Geese had returned, more to arrive ... The valley is nicely saturated or flooded and the Little Egrets have mainly left the estuary are are happily feeding  up river at AberCych. (near breeding sites ??)