Friday 18 August 2023

Martin’s Haven migrants and an unwelcome visitor

 We have had pulses of migrants passing through and over the valley in recent days:

- Spotted Flycatchers have, on occasion, lined the Deer Park wall: the peak was 5 birds, with several adults still seeming to feed younger birds.

- Sand Martins have been less frequent, but the biggest flock was over a dozen, feeding with the local Swallows before moving on.

- a Ringed Plover flew up the valley, calling repeatedly, before circling over Renney’s Slip, and flying south. A new bird for the garden list (we had a Little Ringed Plover in 2020)!

Least welcome was a young Grey Squirrel, which came along the Deer Park wall yesterday morning, before disappearing in the bushes. We have never seen one out here before: the nearest are probably over 2 miles away, in Marloes, or twice that distance, in Dale and St Brides.

A phone camera record shot: