Sunday 20 August 2023

Saturday Strumble Head - continued

The tern passage noted by Steve and Brian continued, albeit at a lesser rate, well into the afternoon when, between 1530h and 1730h, 61 Commic, 1 obvious Arctic, 2 Sandwich and 9 Black Terns (3 singles and group of 6) passed by.

It must have been a good day for Wilson's Storm Petrels or gliding or both perhaps. Of 2 Storm Petrels, the first was very noticeable by its near-continuous gliding flight on flat wings. As I observed it fly a distance of several hundred metres if not a km plus, it gave a single flap of its wings on only 3 occasions, gliding the rest of the time. Contrast the second bird that flapped continuously in the characteristic style of a European Storm Petrel. As for the morning's observers, however, distance to the bird was too great to distinguish any other characteristics that might prove the ID.

2 Arctic Skuas, one dark and one intermediate morph and 22 Whimbrels.