Saturday 12 August 2023

Strumble Head

Another morning visit between 6-11:30am with Martin C and his friend Paul. Blustery SW with patches of drizzle and mist throughout the watch. Steady passage of kittiwake, gannet and manxies with more rafting auks than of late. A few Commic terns dribbling through in 1s and 2s, totalled around 30 including a juv Little tern. Just a single dark Arctic skua. Storm petrels were passing through regularly. We counted 21 but no doubt many more passed by undetected. Most intriguing sight was a swarm of petrels buzzing around a feeding adult GBB, not sure what the gull was feeding on but it certainly appealed to the petrels, we watched it for about 20minutes, as more and more petrels were drawn in, with 8 milling around for a time. Lots of Common dolphins showing for first few hours, and  up to 100 Gannet plunging after baitfish.