Saturday 19 August 2023

Strumble - tern time

Echoing Steve's observations - terns everywhere you looked this morning between 8-12:30. Totals up till we left were 202 Black terns, interesting to see them passing in mixed age flocks of up to 20 birds. 782 Commic terns, mostly Commons, plus a minimum 22 Arctics. 25 Sandwich. 7 Little terns. Conscious this is only a snapshot of the numbers that were probably passing through. In contrast to recent weeks just 2 distant Storm petrel, both appeared to have more of a gliding flight but not seen clearly enough to pin them down. Single Balearic shearwater. 8 Whimbrel. 4 Barwits. Just 8 Scoter. Risso's dolphin showing briefly around 8am. With bits of Common dolphin activity and occasional porpoise. With Paul and Luke (who stayed on).