Saturday 26 August 2023


Some interesting waders movements and timescales.

Greenshank - Teifi

On the 19th August , 2 of the Greenshanks stopped by the Webley briefly and then carried on upriver. Only the one had the rings though.

Photo and record Hannah Cook

How the page looks when you search for the colour-ring scheme, and contact details for the history of the individual bird (awaiting reply from Norway)

Ringed Plover - Teifi

A colour-ringed bird on the 21st August, a day when other observers noted Ringed Plover passage

Photo and record Liz Cook

The Ringed Plover was ringed on the day before on the 20th mid afternoon at Llanfairfechan, N Wales. Steve Dodd remarked that he was surprised that the bird had moved on as in wing moult when ringed.

Golden Plover... Dale Airfield

On the stoney field on Dale Airfield, Fri 25th August

Photo and record Tommy Evans

The Golden Plover was ringed on 22/09/22 in Clun Forest, Shropshire aged as an adult.

As a ringer, great that ringers and non ringers are continuing to help us and record these important movements and timescales.

Thank you...