Wednesday 9 August 2023

West Coast Pelagic #1

The first West Coast Pelagic of the 2023 season went out into the Celtic Deep today on board Dale Sailing's Helen Clare.  Clive Hurford led the trip, and it was pretty spectacular.

Avian highlights included 2 Great Shearwaters, 2 Cory's Shearwaters, a single Pomarine Skua (that spent 30 minutes sat behind the boat), and at least 30 European Storm Petrels.  The Cory's and the Pom are the first of these species to be seen from these pelagics.

But the birds was upstaged by cetaceans: top billing went to Orca, with 1 or 2 seen on the way back (photos awaited - but presumably the famous John Coe and Aquarius?), 2 Fin Whales, 2 Minke Whales, Common Dolphins and Harbour Porpoise.  What a trip to miss!

Pomarine Skua, Celtic Deep (Clive Hurford)