Saturday 23 September 2023


I headed out this morning back to the Castlemartin ranges with the possibility of discovering more American landbirds following the unprecedented arrival on the British west coast (particularly in Pembrokeshire!) in recent days. Although in hope I didn't think it would actually happen...again!

I decided to walk the lane down to Stack Rocks, thinking that as a Magnolia Warbler turned up nearby at St Govan's Head the surrounding area could hold another Nearctic gem. I took my time down the lane stopping occasionally to check the scrubby habitat. As I neared the end of the lane near the Stack Rocks car park, I passed through an area of willows and scrub on either sides of the road. There was plenty of activity here, including 3 goldcrests, blue tits, great tits and 2 blackcaps. I wandered up and down this section of the lane a few times and on my southward return a bird caught my eye in the edge of willows in the sunshine. It was obscured, but I could see it was bright blue and yellow! It flicked out a little further and I could see the whole bird including its necklace of grey streaks! It was a Canada Warbler!! The panic then set in and I managed to get a message out (with my hands shaking!) as the bird flicked though the willows and back to the understory. I saw it once more and it darted off and I lost it. 

Gladly it was relocated by the many people who had come over from St Govan's and it stayed in the willow patch showing to the increasing crowd intermittently throughout the day. 

Such an amazing bird. And as if finding a stunning Magnolia Warbler at St Govan's Head on Wednesday wasnt enough!

I need a rest tonight!