Saturday 23 September 2023

Castlemartin Corse

Two marsh harriers at the Corse today - I only saw the second, female one, but regulars Alan and Steve had seen both in the air, the other almost certainly being the adult male who has been around since 3 August working on his moult. The female was a 2CY bird, almost certainly not the one I saw on Monday who had more extensive "shoulder patches" (no photo). This female was mobbed by crows enabling a good view of the upper wing surfaces, breadth of wing and generally massive size compared to the crow. If this is indeed a new one she will be the eighth individual identified at the Corse this year. 

I searched hedges and scrub for migrants to no avail, but had an excellent walk. Still very little water, though a few more snipe flying about than last weekend, when our WEBS count could be conducted on the fingers of one hand.