Friday 1 September 2023

Higgon's Well & St David's Head

This morning at Higgon's Well the water level was extremely high and resulted in a handful of gulls on the marsh, including a distant smaller gull which I thought may have been a Little Gull, it was so distant I coulden't confirm the ID, especialy with no scope. Other highlights included two Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper, two Redshank, a Mediterranean Gull (on the flooded marsh!), two Kingfisher darting around the upper river, four Whitethroat, 410 Starling on the telephone wires first thing, a Grey Wagtail, a Meadow Pipit, four Bullfinch, and three Reed Bunting.

Nice to have a showy (moulting) male Bullfinch.

This afternoon in the heat at St David's Head, another Whimbrel over, two each of Buzzard and Kestrel, a breif Peregrine, two Willow Warbler, a Blackcap, eight Whitethroat, a Goldcrest, and impressive 34 Stonechat, but the highlight was definatly this extremely showy Chough, just a few meters away.