Sunday 17 September 2023

Little Milford - Spotted Redshank and Little Stint

I managed a quick look at the high tide roost on Hook Bight, opposite Little Milford, this morning before the rain stopped play. The gulls were almost entirely Black-headed, about 250 visible in the long grass beside the river, with around 100 Redshank, ten Greenshank and a dozen Curlew and at least one Whimbrel lurking in the middle. As the tide fell, the gulls were the first to move down to the water followed by the Redshanks. A Spotted Redshank came down to the river for a bath - I think this is the first one I have seen in Pembrokeshire:

Also present was a single Little Stint scurrying around the marsh samphire and two Black-tailed Godwits with a single Bar-tailed Godwit. There was also another stint or small sandpiper that I could not see clearly, but not one of the usual species, with a rufous crown stripe and white supercilium. I think I shall have to go back tomorrow if the kit has dried out.