Saturday 16 September 2023

Melodious warbler, still at Kete


The Melodious warbler was still in the scrub opposite the entrance to the National Trust Kete car park SM 80352 04269 between 4pm and 5'ish. Ian S and I had just got out of the cars and within seconds it appeared on the top of the scrub, it seemed to favour a patch adjacent to the dead end sign, where there's a loop of bramble as a highpoint. It showed intermittently for the hour or so we were there until heavy rain sent us on our way. Dave and Lisa just pulled in as we were leaving. Whilst concentrating on the warbler I picked up some calls over head and just managed to get on 3 dotterel-sized plovers but they were through too quickly to be certain. The Buff-breasted sandpiper was towards the north end of the stony field around 2pm working its way among the GBB flock, the flock of a dozen Ring plover were at the opposite end of the field, nice to bump into Roger and Helen who reported that it appeared to fly off possibly in the direction of the Gann. No sign of the hoopoe.