Monday 18 September 2023

Saundersfoot Bittern

From Julie Davies: Please find attached a photograph of the sad find this morning. I was beach cleaning, picking up microplastics, at the time and was crawling along the strandline when I came almost nose to beak with it. My first thoughts were Oh! Dead bird! Ooh! Heron?!! but as I sat upright I saw the wings then the feet and my brain just couldn't add bittern and Saundersfoot beach together!

Many thanks to those I spoke to today, I feared that if I rang PCC straight away then the bittern would have just been bagged and binned. Wish I'd had the means to scoop it up and get it to someone far more knowledgeable but a grave marker of pebbles was all I could offer it. 

Glaring sunshine made it hard to see my phone screen but hopefully they can act as some kind of record. There didn't seem to be any obvious damage or injury but very very sodden. The WhatThreeWords location if that's of interest to you at all was fuses.nicer.dearest 

The bird was reported to PCC for removal as per avian flu guidance although when I (eventually) left the beach at 3.30 there'd been noone yet from PCC along to collect it.