Friday 22 September 2023

The Gann

Hi Pembsbirds,

With all the excitement with the Yank Warblers we decided to avoid the masses and went to the Gann this morning. Not much around, Redshanks, Greenshanks, Little Grebes and a Red kite. It was only when I got home and looked through some photos I realised we saw a Lesser Yellowlegs (happy to be advised on id). This bird didn’t associate with the other waders and was on the shore in the grass (hence I couldn’t see the legs) when we first watched it. It took off and I took a very lazy photo as I didn’t think it was anything too exciting.
We also saw the Melodious Warble at the Kete car park.

Images attached of the ? Yellowlegs

Best wishes, Craig Lewis and Shay Dare