Wednesday 4 October 2023

Cattle Egret, The Gann

A single Cattle Egret was hanging out with the gulls at the Gann this afternoon. Initially it was on the beach near the shoreline until chased off by a crow and then settled with another small gull flock just upstream of the footbridge.

Three Ruff, one adult male and two juveniles, were feeding on beach with 11 Bar-tailed Godwits nearby. The usual cast was supplemented by three noisy Peregrines that appeared to be play fighting over Musselwick side and increasing numbers of  corvids and Teal up the river.

Also of interest was a rescued and released seal pup, which was initially on the beach by the car park and later clambered over to the lagoon. Note to dog walkers: keep your dogs on a lead - seal pups will defend themselves and bite, with bacteria in their mouths causing infections.