Sunday 8 October 2023

St Govan's Head

I managed a couple of visits to St Govan's Head over the weekend. Although nothing bright and yellow to report this time, there was still a nice variety of birds about and decent overhead passage. 

Saturday was the quieter of the two mornings. A handful of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits flew over south and a few finches were moving around including 3 Crossbill which U-turned over the headland and flew back north. 

Today in the calmer weather, there was lots of birds moving. In two hours birds moving south out to sea included: 138 Meadow Pipits, 100 Skylarks, 71 Linnet 16 Goldfinch, 42 alba Wagtails, 14 Swallow and a late Sand Martin.  

At 08.47 a superb juvenile American Golden Plover appeared flying low over the headland towards me. It came straight over my head, calling constantly as it headed out to sea. It continued south and I watched it disappeared to a small dot in the distance! 

Elsewhere the bushes were quiet, a few Song Thrushes, Robins, 6 Bullfinch, 3 Goldcrests, a Chiffchaff and a Blackcap... and lots of Chough. About 20 in total seen this morning.